The extrovert Bob Hicks was one of Atlanta’s most popular Bluesmen in the 20s. His gruff voice and 12-string bottleneck style got him a recording contract when a Columbia scout went to a Barbecue where Bob would cook, serve and sing! His ‘Barbecue Blues’ and ‘Going Up the Country’ were among his hit records and he put down many interpretations of classic Piedmont Blues, usually in the company of Curly Weaver on second guitar, harpists Buddy Moss or Eddie Mapp, or occasionally with his brother, guitarist Charley Hicks (aka Charley Lincoln). Bob’s records showed his wide repertoire and distinctive voice, but he is not a well known figure in Blues history, largely because he did not have a chance to add to his output, dying from pneumonia aged 29.

Excellent sound quality on this 1927 recording;